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Website Redesigning

Website Redesigning


uxwebsoft believe that the design process begins with discovery - identifying the target audiences for the web site, developing a persona set, conducting usability studies, surveying our clients, and defining the structure of the redesigned site. As the Internet grows and web-related technologies continue to improve, neglect, poor design, and outdated methodologies are causing more and more websites to fall to the side. It is important that you keep the look of your website fresh and maintain cutting-edge standards of design, navigation and functionality. You should regularly schedule a complete redesign of your website, periodically giving your visitors a new and exciting experience. This service will help ensure the professional execution of the redesign of your website and - by increasing your site's usability - enhance the perception of your organization.

All of the information we collect during the discovery phase of the project helps our designers focus on your needs and your target audiences. Because our design is judged on whether or not we successfully represent your organization and communicate effectively with your audiences, we see the visual design of the website as our solution to a unique set of circumstances and requirements.

After we collect all of the data in the discovery process, we sit down as a group to consolidate ideas. Designers present thumbnail sketches of concepts they feel may meet your needs, and we select the most promising designs from the pool. The designs are then fleshed out and put into electronic format. We revisit the designs again as a group, using the persona set as a filter for the interface. Does the design adequately address the needs of the user? Does it communicate the key messages of the client? Does it meet the constraints and requirements set forth in the project plan ?

When we are satisfied that the design are viable, we present them to you for review. We walk you through the design process - explaining the how's and why's of the design. It is also important to note here that we guarantee your satisfaction with the site design. We collaborate with you during this process to ensure that we design the site for you and your users, and we are not finished with the project until you are 100% satisfied.

Redesign Services:

Corporate Website Redesign


we used innovative technologies customer-focused redesign to extend website dwell time, website dwells time, enhance engagement, and upsurge conversions.

eCommerce Website Redesign


With the assistance of our highly proficient developers, we can redesign your eCommerce website to assist your potential clients better connect with your business.

Landing Page Redesign


You receive a comprehensive landing page redesign services convert your prospect into leads. Your guests will be one step away from becoming your customers.

CMS Website Redesign


We have an expert team of custom web designers who will assist you in solving your website issues.

Mobile Website Redesign


We redesign your website by keeping mobile in mind, coded, and optimized for the most up-to-date mobile SEO practices.

Top Website Redesign Benefits For Your Online Business

Accomplishing a website redesign is an arduous task and can be both expensive and time-consuming, but it is also a chance to make your website a sturdy tool for your business now and in the future. If you still aren’t convinced about the welfare of redesigning your business’s website, here are seven ways a website redesign can take your business to the ultimate level.
  • Increased Brand Trust
  • Increase Sales Leads and Conversions
  • Increased Website Page Views
  • Keeping Your Business to the Purpose
  • Efficient Communication with Users
  • Improve User Experience
  • Display New Products and Services
  • Mobile-Friendly Design